Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I've been thinking about doing it but I didn't have any pictures to post and frankly, reading posts without pictures can be quite boring....especially my posts. :D
Let's start, shall we? On Monday I was told that I am now an official league member!!! Hooray for me! I'm not currently skating right now, though, do to a grocery accident involving a steep step and no lights. I sprained my ankle--this was a couple weeks ago now, and I'm going to try skating on it tomorrow during endurance practice. I will, of course, be taking it slow while wearing an ankle brace/support something-or-other. I have also chosen my derby name, with a little help from my friends.'ll get why I'm giggling in a second. I chose Rink O' Starr. Get it? Ringo Starr, With a Little Help From My Friends? My number will be 64. I was hoping for Fab4 but we have a C4 so technically, 4 is already taken. I'm excited.
In other CTRG news, a bunch of us participated in WPLR's Shamrock & Roll 5k road race. We walked it and our goal was to come in last. Because if you don't win it, you lose it, so why not lose in style? We flyered while walking and talked to people who were cheering loved ones on. A couple of the girls even danced with one of the bands. We did come in last though the trophy for last place was given to some dude who did NOT finish after us according to the electronic walker thingamajig. We did win best group costume, beating out the women's Rugby team that was there. We were also on the news! NBC 30 did a quick interview with Miz but didn't really show anything good from what we heard. But check this out:
Marla posted that pic on me (#76) via Twitter just as another girl got a text from a friend telling her that she was seen on TV. And yeah, we are wearing green tulle tutus. It was awesome. Outlaw made em for us and I will be sporting mine again on Sunday for the New Haven St. Patty's Day Parade. Will you be there? Come out and support us. Buy one of the girls (or refs) a drink!
Now on to the cookies! I moved (almost a month ago now, did I post about that?) and I baked my first batch of cookies a couple weeks ago. I baked from a package! *gasp* I never do that but it was my team lead's birthday and I promised to bring something in and I was lazy. I bought a bag of peanut butter cookie mix and some caramel-filled kisses. Here's what resulted:

The kisses melted! They looked so silly but were sooooo good. I think that if I had a cooling rack, they wouldn't have melted as badly because the cookies would've cooled quicker. I also blame the fact that these kisses are not solid chocolate on their quick-melt capabilities. Makes sense, right? Let me tell you, though...Best combination of flavors EVER! I think I'll make peanut butter cookies from scratch next time I want these. Matt loved em and wants me to bake every day. haha
Monday I tried my hand at sugar cookies off the back of the flour bag. They turned out great, except that they grew to extreme proportions. I tried to make hamentashen with the recipe and without chilling the dough and that didn't work. Here's what happened:

They flattened out and didn't keep their triangle shape. I only took the time to make a couple hamentashen in case it didn't work. Good thing. The cookies were spectabular, though. Maybe I'll make thumbprint type cookies with this dough...hmm...I need to add that to my "to-bake" list.
Sorry for all the iPhone pictures, BTW. I don't know where I left my camera at the moment (or any of my hooks, save my trusty H) so the phone is all I have. Any really, it's quicker.
Toninght I made Honey-Sweetened Thumb(pinky)print Cookies. The site I got it off of has so many great recipes and I think I'm ready to continue my cooking classes and try some of her healthy, tasty looking, dishes. If you choose to make these, understand this: These are not sweet cookies. They are a little bland, but I like em. But really, there is no sugar in it. Honey is the sweetner. I might make them again and if I do, I might sprinkle a little brown sugar on top of the cookie. Matt does not like them and he said, "Cookies are supposed to be sweet." I argued that the Italian wedding cookies are not sweet. Mister Italian had nothing to say about that. hehe I showed him. So here are the pictures of the cookies during the process. Here's the batter:

You can clearly see the rolled oats and come to think of it, I could use less oats and I think the recipe will still work...Maybe then they wouldn't be as dry. The recipe lady did mention they dry out quickly so be careful not to overcook them. Here is a snapshot of them right before I put them in the oven:

And here is the final product...I think next time I will use a raspberry preserve so that the entire cookie isn't in the gold family. I think a deep red would be a nice contract and make the cookie more pleasing to look at. hehe Oh, and the recipe yeilded roughly 4 dozen bite-sized cookies. I ate a bunch (Matt only ate 1) so I lost count at 40.

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